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Chocolate Keto Waffles {Low-Carb, Gluten-Free}

PER Waffle: CALORIES 620.5 | FAT 48.5g | CARBOHYDRATES 21g | FIBER 9.5g | Sugar Alcohol 3.5g | NET CARBOHYDRATES 8g | PROTEIN 28g

These delicious keto waffles will be loved by everyone, even those who love carbs. That's right - you don't need to be on a low-carb diet to enjoy these chocolate keto waffles made with our KetoMeal! On top of the amazing taste, our light and fluffy waffles also have a healthy dose of MCT oil powder to give you that extra boost of satiating fat and steady energy.

Thanks to Keto Coach Lauren for this tasty keto recipe!

Ingredients you need:

This recipe is:

  • Keto
  • Low-carb
  • Gluten-free
  • No sugar added

Try our other KetoMeal® recipes:

Chocolate Keto Waffles


  • 1 scoop chocolate KetoLogic® KetoMeal®
  • ½ cup almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tablespoon heavy cream
  • Sugar-free chocolate chips (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Water, if needed to thin the batter


  1. Combine KetoMeal®, almond flour, and baking powder in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Mix vanilla extract, egg, and heavy cream in a separate mixing bowl.
  3. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and gently mix. Add a little water if batter seems too thick.
  4. Pour into waffle iron and cook until golden.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 1

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Nutrition Info

Ideal Ratio Recipe Ratio
70% Fat
18% Protein
12% Carbs

Replace one meal a day with
KetoLogic® KetoMeal®

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