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Our Top Keto Smoothie Recipe (Yup, Low-Carb, Too)

What’s better than cookies and coffee in the morning? A delicious cookies and cream frappe, that’s what.

We combined creamy coconut milk, crunchy cashews, and energy-boosting coffee to provide natural, sustainable energy first thing in the morning, as an afternoon snack, or for dessert. Unlike fruit smoothies, which are loaded with sugar, this keto-friendly smoothie boasts only 5 grams of carbs. This frappe is also chock-full of healthy fats from almonds, coconuts, and cashews, with whey protein to keep you anabolic whenever you decide to treat yourself.

cookies and cream mocha smoothie-ketologic



  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons cashews
  • 2 scoops Whey Chocolate Protein Powder
  • 1-2 cups strong, cooled black coffee
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 1-2 cups ice
  • extra water if needed to thin out during blending


  1. Combine all ingredients except the ice in a blender.
  2. Add one cup of ice and blend until smooth.
  3. Add more ice if needed for texture and/or temperature consistency.

Nutrition (per 8 oz. serving):

  • Calories: 440
  • Fat: 37g (76%)
  • Total Carbohydrate: 7g (6%)
  • Fiber: 1.7g
  • Net Carbohydrate: 5.3g
  • Protein: 19g (18%)
  • Fat/Net Carb + Protein Ratio: 1.5:1

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Keto Recipes

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